Tuesday, February 23, 2016

*February Book-It due March 3rd if you are interested in participating.
*Scholastic book orders can be placed anytime online.... our class code: DY7W4

*We are collecting donations for the New Lenox Police Department food drive. 
*Friday, February 26, is Mustache Day!

Tonight's homework:

Math:  link 6-8
           *Keep practicing multiplication facts!

Looking for extra practice?..... Check out IXL!

Science:  none 
I recommend using quizlet.com to practice vocabulary words as well.  Go to quizlet.com and type:  trick3  in the search box.... that will bring you to my account.

Social Studies:  We will be working on our country projects.  All research and work will be done at school.  Information regarding our projects was sent home today.  Please sign the front of the packet so that I know you are aware of the in class project.  

We are currently learning:

Math We will begin unit 6: Division & Angles
Social Studies:  We will be working on our Big6 country projects.
Science:  We will not study science at this time.


How to get to IXL: You can always use IXL to practice math skills.

IXL for math practice can be accessed through the Nelson Ridge webpage.  
Username: 122first and last name Example: 122trisharick
Password: nlsd & student ID number password Example: nlsd12345

Science and Social Studies online text information was sent home on Friday, September 25th